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Sports Ground Pavement

June 17, 2021

Paving base requirements:

The ground is flat, dry, strong, free of dirt, no raised particles, no difference between height and height

Pavement base testing:

1. Temperature, humidity, indoor and surface temperatures are measured using a temperature hygrometer.The construction should not be below 5℃ and above 30℃. Suitable for construction.The relative air humidity should be between 20% and 75%.

2. Using moisture content tester to measure the moisture content of the base, the moisture content of the base should be less than 3%.

3. The strength of the base should not be lower than the concrete strength C-20 requirements, otherwise, suitable self-leveling should be used to strengthen the strength.

4. The test result of hardness tester should be that the surface hardness of the base is not less than 1.2 Mpa.

5. For the construction of the rubber floor, the unevenness of the base should be less than 2 mm between the height and the height within the range of 2 meters, otherwise, the appropriate self-leveling should be used for leveling.

Paving methods:

1) Mobile paving (double-sided welding technology): the plate front and back joint, welding can be connected into one. Plate and ground do not need to be bonded to facilitate the future plate movement and winding.

2) Local fixed paving method (glue / tape): based on the edge line of the plate, brush the glue 5-10 cm inside the ground to finish the bonding between the plate and the ground, or use the special double-sided tape of the manufacturer.

3) The whole glue pavement method: the plate and the ground all use glue to carry on.

PVC floor-welding construction steps

1. At the seams of the two floors, the tool trench is shown in the diagram (figure ①); the concave groove of about 1.0 mm depth is produced (figure ②); The trenches shown are too shallow and too deep are incorrect (figure ③④)

Figure: ①

Sports Ground Pavement

Figure ②: Correct groove

Sports Ground Pavement

Picture ③: The groove is too shallow

Sports Ground Pavement

Picture ④: The groove is too deep

Sports Ground Pavement

2. A plastic electrode of the same or close color is then welded tightly to the groove through the nozzle through a heating gun (temperature adjusted at 70~80 degrees Celsius), as shown in the figure ⑤.

Figure ⑤:

Sports Ground Pavement

3. When the temperature drops to room temperature after the close connection is completed, the prominent electrode is leveled with a repair knife to make the seamless effect more perfect, as shown in the figure ⑥.

Figure ⑥:

Sports Ground Pavement

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